
Tuesday, October 15, 2013


          How would you like to try the best steak in the world? Mooo Boston is the only steakhouse in the area to offer Japanese A5 Wagyu beef on the menu, and it truly the is the highest grade of steak you can get. A friend and I went in specifically for the steak, and had a great meal overall including the drinks, apps, and sides.

          We started with some wine, this bottle of Cabernet is one of my favorite California reds and it went really well with the steak!

           The fresh, house made rolls were warm and topped with a bit of sea salt. I tasted a bite, but resisted the urge to finish the entire thing so I could save room for the rest of my meal.

          We shared an appetizer of the roasted bone marrow, which was served with toasted brioche and a demi glaze. It was rich and decadent, and a perfect prelude to the Wagyu.

          When the steak came out, it was everything I hoped it would be. Although I could have easily taken down two of these, at $145 for a six ounce portion I showed as much restraint as possible. I ate it as slowly as I could manage, sprinkling just a hint of sea salt on top to enhance the flavor. Each bite literally melted in my mouth, and I was legitimately sad when I finished the last piece.

          The side of potato skins with Gouda and bacon were an excellent accompaniment. These were more like a twice baked potato, a side dish I've recently become obsessed with. Mooo's version inspired me to make my own the next night for dinner, but mine were not nearly as good!

          I was too full for dessert, but the wagyu beef was the perfect way to end the meal. I'm already craving it again and it's only been 3 days!

1 comment:

  1. Perfect description! You've got me wanting another 6oz stat! Mmm
